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Design a Beautiful Blog!


​Blogs for this website should excite visitors about anything and everything that Victoria has to offer! Your blog should grab their attention and leave them wanting to try what you are describing!

Step one is to gather up photos and videos that will enhance what you write about!

When it comes to design, our blog platform has everything we need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention! Easily add photos, videos, galleries, and more.

Create a Stunning Layout

We can add dimension to your posts with varied paragraph styles, bolding and italicizing certain text, adding bullet points, including subtitled sections with short paragraphs, adding visually pleasing, and varied media, etc.|


Adding media to your posts

When creating your posts you can include any or all of

  • images or GIFs

  • Embed videos

  • Galleries or collages  to showcase what you are writing about

​We can customize the look of your media by making it widescreen, or small, and easily align media inside your posts. Please ensure you choose quality media for your posts, rather than pixelated imagery or video media that was taken with your cellphone, etc.


Use Quotes or tips:

Quote someone you know who has had the experience you are writing about! Provide some insider tips that will encourage participation.

"Highlight quotes and/or important tips, etc, to add dimension to your post by indenting text alongside your imagery! This is another great way to keep your entry fresh, easy to read, and visually pleasing!"

Hashtag your posts

​Love to #hashtag? Good news!

You can add tags (#vacation #tacos #victoria) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag? People can use your hashtags to search through content on your blog and find the content that matters to them. So go ahead and #hashtag away!

​Thank you for reading our posting tips, and we look forward to seeing your entries!

​You will have to submit your post via email so lay your document out and when doing so indicate where you would like your photos and video to be inserted.

Many thanks for your effort to share your knowledge with VGSN members and guests and visitor that explore our website.

The VGSN Team

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